Thursday, April 12, 2012


What?! She's blogging again?
Maybe.... we'll see. I have a few minutes, so I thought I'd try.

This morning I cried in the shower. Not for long, but pretty hard. I have a lot of things and people that go through my mind these days and I am tempted to worry and get distracted from loving, right now. The temptation is to get my thoughts stuck on the problems and forget that I have a loving a gracious God who is very able to help these people/situations. I get stuck and forget for a moment or a day...or a week.

Jesus asks me to grab a hold of all of these people and things that go through my mind and bring them to Him. He says, "Do not worry." He asks me to CONSTANTLY be in prayer, CONSTANTLY talking to HIM, because He knows what my brain does. It gets stuck on people, situations, what-ifs, etc. And then because these thoughts stew, sit, and fester, it becomes really yucky.

I am even tempted to tell you all about my worries and how important they are. I will spare you.

And instead, I will ask you, implore you (this weeks vocabulary word ;)), to pray with me.

People need people, not to worry about each other, but to pray for and with one another. Let's not waste another minute.


Thoughts for the day said...

I would love to pray for you...

Serenity said...

Thank you, Sharon! Pray WITH me, as well, that we would replace the worry with prayer and obedience.