Do I really believe I am a daughter of the Most High King?
It has been a process of relationship with Jesus that has helped me accept this title. I'm still learning, however. It is often hard for me to believe this during the daily grind of chores, parenting, relational conflicts, etc.
Recently I have been meditating on how the Most High King might want His daughter to be treated, and how He would want His daughter to see herself. And I must remind myself, He is not just any ordinary King, He is the Good King.
- As my loving Father, He desires me to be confident in my position to approach Him.
- He wants our relationship to be loving and intimate, like a father and daughter should be.
- As a princess, He wants me to be available and ready to stand in the King's court and the amongst the townspeople.
- Because of His love for His Kingdom, He desires and commands that I love the Kingdom also.
- As the King, He wants me to know that He will fight for me always.
- As a daughter of the King I must respect and love myself. I must stand firmly and lovingly in Truth, with no shame.
- As a daughter of the King, His power and authority goes with me.
- Because He is the Most High King, He is the only one that can give me the best. He is the only one who truly knows me and loves me. To except anything less is denying my Father of His love for me.
If we choose to believe God over Satan, we will look different to this world. We will be set apart. God gives us a peace and rest that nothing and no one else can.
I have decided to believe and step into a faith that says my God is the King of Kings, and I am His daughter.
I pray for all of us to begin seeing this as our identity. We do not deserve this position, but that is beside the point. The point is, He has called us Sons and Daughters. It is our choice to believe this.
Now we call him, “Abba, Father.” For his Spirit joins with our spirit to affirm that we are God’s children. And since we are his children, we are his heirs. In fact, together with Christ we are heirs of God’s glory. But if we are to share his glory, we must also share his suffering. Romans 8:15-17
Yes Yes Yes!! Thank you friend. Glad we're sisters with the same Abba! Will call this weekend FOR SURE!
Ooh, good stuff. Thanks for sharing.
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