We started this summer off with a bang, opening up the Jubilee Food pantry
Avery got his first mohawk
Luci went on her first bike ride and could barely see a thing
Gazed and yanked at lots of beautiful flowers
Buddies came over to play
Loved on eachother
Nursed my last baby
Avery, Ally, and Eva each went camping alone with Daddy

Eva turned 4 on July 6
We had an awesome neighborhood street BBQ

Andy did demolition derby and landscaped phase one and two of our new beds/path we will be planting next spring on our side yard. And...he got heat exhaustion because he's a crazy man and worked his tail off on a 98 degree day.

Had a Coulombe family reunion

Found lots of critters
Our annual Wallowa Lake trip with my side of the family

Went camping with Andy's side of the family
Ate lots of sweet, buttery corn
Played hard
Made mud cakes, pies and cookies
Harvested carrots, onions, tomatoes (still waiting for more), basil, oregano, and rosemary.

Eva turned 4 on July 6
Found lots of critters
Oh my goodness....if you are still reading this, you are a trooper. I have to go to bed now. Maybe I'll post more later. Until then, buenas noches.
Sounds like a fun summer to me!
Your little family is SO cute. I just love it. take care and keep writing.
Love the mohawk! What a great summer!
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