Thursday, October 04, 2007

Jesus is AMAZING!

I just felt like I needed to say how much I love Jesus!
He is most Awesome, most Powerful, most Beautiful! He knows me like no other and loves me even when I fail. He comforts me by whispering, "I love you", as I drift off to sleep. He keeps me accountable with His brotherly love as He sits with me and my kids every day. He leads me as I walk and pray through my neighborhood. He is fresh, cold water to my thirsty soul. He gives me dreams that speak to my heart and give me encouragement in these crazy days of relying on Him. He speaks through my kids in sweetness and sincerity, reminding me that He is ALL Good. He has provided a strong and noble husband for me who loves me and cares for my heart.
You have given me good gifts and freedom in your Spirit, thank you for wanting me and choosing me.
Jesus, you have captured my heart with your love for me!
I am Yours forever!

1 comment:

KI said...
